Spooky scary skeletons

October 3rd, 2022

NOVA 01 launched without a hitch and we’re quite literally trending in the right direction. Though the Oct-22 sales figures are admittedly inflated by a large order of books going to students at the Hershey School in PA, “who cares.” - Steve Martin’s Inspector Clouseau when asked whether he schould consider the optics of getting intimate with Beyonce

You see, when the numbers go up, the board of directors, being my cats, won’t fire me.

Speaking of that Hershey School order … we’re attaching a label to each student’s copy with a message about inspiration. I wrote my book because people like Sir Peter Jackson inspired me when I was a teenager. If an independent filmmaker from the middle-of-nowhere New Zealand could adapt J.R.R. Tolkien's books to film—an impossible assignment—why couldn't I write a book? In mentioning Jackson, I didn’t mean to compare myself to one of the greatest film directors of all time, but instead I just wanted to try and pass on at least a flicker of Jackson's torch to inspire these kids. Each of them has dreams, and it’d be pointless not to chase them. Who knows? Maybe one day one of them could star in or direct a NOVA film adaptation. If that lesson applies to you as an adult, don’t be bashful - chase your dream, too.

On an unrelated note, I titled this blog post spooky scary skeletons. Why, you ask? Because I love halloween and it’s just around the corner. If you didn’t pick up on my love for Halloween in NOVA 01, then you’re denser than Pippen when he sets off the chain of events that gets Gandalf killed by the Balrog … what? That also got us Gandalf the White? Exactly. This isn’t an unrelated note at all, you fool. We’re back to the kids at Hershey - maybe one of them will become the president of the free world, having been inspired by my book. If Pippen could save Middle Earth, why not humor my scenario?

Enjoy October. I’ll be posting about fall on instagram soon - lots of cool photos to feature.

The end always arrives.

C. T.


Day of the dead


So, when’s book 2 coming out?