Prelude of Light

April 3rd, 2023

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but this spring has hit me with the force of a runaway train. Instead of coal, this train spews pollen straight into my lungs. And the conductor—don’t get met started on him. More times than I can count, he’s shouted, “have you finished your to-do list yet?”

“No, good sir. I’ve not.”

But that’s not to say the last two months haven’t been enjoyable. Quite the opposite, in fact (this assumes a constant supply of claritin).

In February I finished the first rough draft of NOVA 02. The next major draft, the alpha draft, goes out to our alpha readers soon. On its own, this accomplishment would be cause for a midsommar (midspringal?) festival. But the fun didn’t stop there.

As you saw on my instagram posts, we also hosted a NOVA 01 celebration “jubilee” at Park Road Books, our favorite local book store in the greater Charlotte-Meck area. The event was a huge success and the turn out was great. Thank you again to all who made it out :) it was a ton of fun to read from NOVA 01 and answer everyone’s questions! I hope my character voices did the characters you have in your head justice!

NOVA 01 celebration “jubilee” - Februath 18th, 2023

Lastly, on a more personal level, my wife and I moved into our first house this past month! Though we’re unlikely to ever feel fully settled—what with all the projects to work on… anybody know how to run wiring for a chandelier?—it’s just such a joy to live in something we “own” and love. The office where I write was fully put-together as of yesterday. So, at this point, there’s nothing stopping this NOVA-o2-launch-train from going “full steam ahead.”

That’s two uses of figurative language for you this morning. And both were train-related. That likely says something about my mental state, but it could just as easily mean you love trains and I was serendipitously inclined to write them in for you this morning.

Either way, thanks for tuning in this month and stick around for our future updates. With NOVA 02 reaching the endgame, these updates should continue to peak your interest. That said… I can’t promise a train analogy or metaphor every time.

Side bar, Poppy (AKA miss-pops-a-lot) has not enjoyed the move. She doesn’t normally venture outside and has taken to hiding in cupboards in the house. She’s made some progress, however, and will now slink around at night and even burrow herself into our covers where it is safe.

The end always arrives.

C. T.


Under Cover of Matrimony


Amiss Abyss